Просмотр полной версии : Hello Alla Mihajlovna! I already wrote to you about forthcoming pregnancy....

25.05.2004, 02:16
Hello Alla Mihajlovna!
I already wrote to you about forthcoming pregnancy.
I have still questions. Last 2 years monthly at me passed or took place for 2 days
Though always went days 7 not less earlier
After an abortion (in May) I have started to accept "marsilon" that vostanovit a cycle, and vostanovitsja after an abortion, and to not become pregnant in current of half a year (as the doctor has told or said). Now mesjachnye-extremely skudnye-at me pass or take place in current 1 1, 5 day. Whether it will be reflected on my plans to become pregnant in December?

Pasenjuk A.M.
25.05.2004, 08:25
No, it is normal on a background of reception OK and on expected beermenosti to not be reflected, but I can not approve or confirm, that you at once will become pregnant on cancelling OK.