Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon, prompt please, to me have told or said what to do or make GSG dangerously and not...

23.05.2004, 04:35
Good afternoon, prompt please, to me have told or said what to do or make GSG dangerously and not expediently and it is better to spend laporoskopiju, t. To. The reason of sterility or barrenness is the possible or probable obstruction of pipes that it is possible to define or determine only laporoskopicheskim in the way. Whether so it actually. The matter is that GSG I already did or made, but the analysis has not turned out, the liquid has not passed or has not taken place even in a cavity of the uterus.

Malanova T.B.
25.05.2004, 00:37
1. GSG it is necessary to do or make necessarily, voshchmozhno, you do not have indications for a laparoscopy. 2. If results GSG, most likely, she was incorrectly done or made are those???? (at usual survey in mirrors of a problem at the doctor with survey were?).