Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, to me 25, for pregnancy we wait year, have spent inspection on hormones - in...

24.05.2004, 03:08
The doctor, to me 25, for pregnancy we wait year, have spent inspection on hormones - in norm or rate, US too norm or rate, on 16 dts a normal yellow body, spermogramma good. The doctor has refused to do or make GSG, speaks give at once laporoskopiju. Speaks solderings or an endometriosis are possible or probable. I in 18 years had an operation on an appendicitis, the truth like without complications. Whether there could be it the reason of education of solderings? And whether the doctor can in this case at operation something correct?

Kamenetskij B.A.
24.05.2004, 16:17
I think, that your doctor of the rights. The spent operative measure could become the reason of education of solderings, and the planned laparoscopy really (if it is possible or probable) can be not only diagnostic, but also medical (t. e carrying out of reconstructive actions) is possible or probable