Просмотр полной версии : Here such situatsaja. The girl toshnilo (several weeks ago there were problems with...

23.05.2004, 17:16
Here such situatsaja. The girl toshnilo (several weeks ago there were problems with any intestinal invektsiej, laid 6 days in infektsionke), there was not a big giddiness (but she speaks that such was and earlier), moreover became any razdrozhitelnaja (but it not the fact). The DELAY of days 10 (not precisely). Was frightened and has made 2 ekstress-the test or dough. The test has shown one rod. But the trouble has not passed or has not taken place!
Questions: when it is better to spend the test?
What its or his accuracy?
Whether there are features which can serve as the reason of a mistake or an error?

Pasenjuk A.M.
24.05.2004, 13:51
The test is better to spend in the morning. Accuracy at the indicating on pregnancy of 100 % if specifies absence of pregnancy - up to 85 %, the reason for it or this can be wrong storage in a drugstore, insufficient quantity or amount HGCH in urine (a small duration of gestation). Let the girl will visit or attend the doctor