Просмотр полной версии : Hello! We with the husband want the child, but I cannot become pregnant. Earlier about...

22.05.2004, 04:50
Hello! We with the husband want the child, but I cannot become pregnant. Earlier about one year accepted Tri-Mersi. (there Is a child of 5 years). Whether it can be connected with reception of contraceptives?

Shishkanova O.L.
23.05.2004, 10:06
Hardly. It is necessary to be surveyed on reception of the expert (hormonal screening, infections, US of organs of a small basin for an estimation of a status endometrija, etc.).

24.05.2004, 08:00
Good evening! I prizhgla erosion shejki uteruses, earlier gave birth or travailled. Respond please, whether I can become pregnant and give birth again?