Просмотр полной версии : Hello, Boris Aleksandrovich! I would like to consult to you. posl...

Bringing down
20.05.2004, 07:38
Hello, Boris Aleksandrovich!
I would like to consult to you. After delivery of analyses to hormones the doctor has appointed or nominated to me treatment, t. To. She has explained Testosteron-Depotum man's hormones is raised or increased. She has written out to me Diane-35, folic, vitamin E, jodomarin, veroshpiron and persen. Besides vitamins I would like to learn or find out the following. At me primary sterility or barrenness. (there is no pregnancy 1, 5 years)
1. Really Diane-35 to cope with a polycystosis and povyshenymi man's hormones?.. t. e. To appear chance zaberemennet
2. Rather veroshpirona. What for he in this scheme or plan of treatment? I have read through that appoint or nominate it or him to women 35 years are more senior??

Kamenetskij B.A.
24.05.2004, 06:32
1. It really one of variants of treatment of sterility or barrenness caused giperanrogeniej. 2. I do not know.