Просмотр полной версии : Diagnosis AGS virilnaja the form. In the further it was found out, that at me anovuljator...

21.05.2004, 02:07
Diagnosis AGS virilnaja the form. In the further it was found out, that at me an anovulatory cycle. Whether there is an opportunity at the given diagnosis to give birth to the child. And what probability of transfer of disease by right of succession.

Kirsanov A.A.
23.05.2004, 20:01
Basic pathogenic factors AGS is superfluous development or manufacture of androgens (man's sexual hormones) a cortex of adrenals. Therefore the basic direction in lechenii-to result or bring in norm or rate a level of these hormones. For this purpose glucocorticoid preparations are applied. Sometimes happens enough only this therapy for renewal of an ovulatory cycle. If it does not occur or happen (for example when on background AGS the polycystosis of ovaries develops) it is necessary to apply preparations which stimulate body height folikulov and process of an ovulation. For conservation of pregnancy the constant maintenance therapy most likely is required.

24.05.2004, 05:12
Whether and can at the given disease come or step so hormonal indemnification or Prednisolonum is named is accepted for life.