Просмотр полной версии : Hello, at me 4 days of a delay, a cycle constant, the test nothing of display...

22.05.2004, 01:18
Hello, at me 4 days of a delay, a cycle constant, nothing has shown the test, the doctor has told or said that at me suspicion on a myoma, but she still absolutely small. Whether I can give birth to the child if I am pregnant at present and I have really myoma

Ryazanov And.
22.05.2004, 04:50
Certainly, you can give birth to the child. How your pregnancy will proceed depends on where the fetal egg will be attached. It is better, if it will occur or happen far away from myomatous sites. Course of pregnancy at presence of a myoma often becomes complicated threat of discontinuing, but well-timed treatment helps or assists to save pregnancy. In some cases on late durations of gestation these sites cease to be defined or determined, resolve. In current of sorts or labors also there can be problems, all depends on the sizes and a locating of sites. But as a whole especially to experience it is not necessary, at the good medical control all will be good.

Ryazanov And.
23.05.2004, 12:24
Certainly, you can give birth to the child. How your pregnancy will proceed depends on where the fetal egg will be attached. It is better, if it will occur or happen far away from myomatous sites. Course of pregnancy at presence of a myoma often becomes complicated threat of discontinuing, but well-timed treatment helps or assists to save pregnancy. In some cases on late durations of gestation these sites cease to be defined or determined, resolve. In current of sorts or labors also there can be problems, all depends on the sizes and a locating of sites. But as a whole especially to experience it is not necessary, at the good medical control all will be good.