Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor, I live not a constant sexual life. As kontratse...

20.05.2004, 11:33
The dear doctor,
I live not a constant sexual life. As a contraceptive I use a condom with spermitsidnoj greasing, and as vaginalnye capsules "formateks". Tell or say, on how much such protection is effektivnoj and as often it is possible to use "formateksom". Thanks in advance for the answer.

Soboleva L.I.
21.05.2004, 09:07
Hello! The combination a condom + spermitsid gives practically 100 % reliability. To apply farmateks it is desirable not more often once a week.

22.05.2004, 19:19
Prompt, and what other preparation can be combined is more often with a condom for greater reliability and what possible or probable consequences of frequent application "formateksa"