Просмотр полной версии : To me 54 years, 4 years ago have removed a uterus (myoma), attributes of a climacterium were not...

18.05.2004, 20:49
To me 54 years, 4 years ago have removed a uterus (myoma), attributes of a climacterium were not and now I do not feel. At my mum of a menses have stopped in 60 years after operation in occasion of an oothecoma. One month ago at job there was a physical examination and at me gynecologic analyses have shown inflammatory process and a dysbacteriosis (?), on mine the gynecologist so has told or said and has told or said, that it is necessary to treat it, and that in a year of m.. A cancer. Has appointed or nominated sprintsivanie broth of an oak and a camomile, a suppository with a synthomycin, and after with metilurotsilom. How much dangerously my status and is effective treatment. In general that me last months was disturbed with dryness of genitals. The lowered temperature, delicacy and a giddiness were, but have passed or have taken place after the termination or discontinuance of reception ENAMa (1.25). In August in a blood was leucocytes 3.9 and something or something else (band?) it is a lot of. In September all norm or rate. In August the analysis wet on Nichiporenko has shown leucocytes - 9500, erythrocytes - 1250, US has shown ehopriznaki hr. A pyelonephritis and pesochek.
Some months I accept TSISTON, tried to accept furadonin, but has mastered only 3 tablets.
One year ago all (except for pesochka) was in norm or rate.

Malanova T.B.
20.05.2004, 22:54
1. What do you mean " gynecologic analyses "? 2. If it is smears - that age changes are revealed at you. It is necessary to treat, no trouble is not present. It, by the way, also is displays of your "climacterium". And the pathology of kidneys should be treated.

22.05.2004, 12:29
Thanks for the answer, and that after dialogue with the gynecologist was sensation that I shall soon die. On physical examination took smears. Whether can cause or call inflammatory process in a vagina inflammatory protses in kidneys and in urinary ways and whether can cause or call reception of medicines (or to provoke) inflammatory protses and a dysbacteriosis. After the termination or discontinuance of reception of any medicines (except for TSistona) analyses of urine and a blood of steel in norm or rate. But last months from time to time there are nagging pains in legs or foots, in pojastnitse, in the bottom of a stomach or belly as earlier before a menses, than it can be caused or called?