Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvujte, Tatyana Borisovna! I have started to accept oral contraceptives (...

22.05.2004, 02:31
Zdrastvujte, Tatyana Borisovna! I have started to accept oral contraceptives (Tri-Mersi) since April of this year. All was normal, and this month on 14 ohm day or bottom;fundus of reception of tablets at me the menses has begun, but I have all the same passed or all the same taken place a course of tablets up to the extremity or end. Has passed or has taken place 3 days after acceptance of last tablet, and at me again a bleeding. What to me occurs or happens?

Malanova T.B.
22.05.2004, 10:58
It is called a bleeding of break. It is necessary to remove or take off the COOK and to wait own cycle. And the COOK is better to change.