Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! I have understood, that you do not conduct pregnant women, but can know vp...

16.05.2004, 10:24
The dear doctor! I have understood, what you do not conduct pregnant women, whether but can know have the right pregnant woman to leave in the decree not 70 days prior to prospective sorts or labors, and for example for 2 weeks, and the sick-list to receive only for 2 weeks, for the put 140 days? As it is registered in the labour code I know. And whether here on me will "press" in female consultation?

Malanova T.B.
19.05.2004, 00:21
Can not take at all the decree, this your right.

21.05.2004, 12:10
I understand, but the sick-list I wish to receive, that it or him have paid. Simply I wish to work as it is possible longer. The doctor can give up to me in delivery of the sick-list on pozdem, than under the law term?

22.05.2004, 08:52
You can receive the sick-list at any time, but not earlier than 70 days up to prospective sorts or labors. Do not experience, if the doctor will rest, buy or purchase a bottle of wine and a box of sweets, doctors too people, and like gifts. Success to you, give the God of the healthy baby!