Просмотр полной версии : Saw Marvelon accepted Novinet almost 2 years without interruption, before. Mesjachn...

22.05.2004, 00:07
Saw Marvelon accepted Novinet almost 2 years without interruption, before. Monthly send or have come for 31 day of a cycle. Has decided to hand over all analyses before becoming pregnant. Analyses have shown: a clamidiosis and a virus (precisely I shall not tell or say what, RV II, it seems). The partner constant 5 years. The smear good, leucocytes in norm or rate, but is reaction of "cook" (I can be mistaken with the name). The doctor in consultation plainly speaks nothing, has sent on following analyses (bacteriological crop). How much or as far as it is dangerous? How to be treated? nachitalas forums, became strashnovato. How to treat a clamidiosis? Than he threatens?

Soboleva L.I.
22.05.2004, 07:08
Hello, Anna! Treatment of a clamidiosis should be spent under the control of the doctor. To you will appoint or nominate one or several antibacterial preparations, vitamins, immunomoduljatory, suppositories. Probably, something or something else. The clamidiosis enough often is the reason of sterility or barrenness that is why to treat it is necessary right after establishments of the diagnosis (in your case - when crops will be ready). Can descend or go on a site www. chlamidioz. ru and there prohonour more detailed information.