21.05.2004, 04:51
Hello the doctor. I accept contraceptive tablets NOVINET of 6 months. On inspection in me have found out a thrush, (congenital) erosion shejki uteruses, and also a bend of a uterus. For struggle against a thrush have appointed or nominated a course from: nizoral, Nistatinum, miramistin, Clotrimazolum vaginalnye suppositories (me) and Clotrimazolum a cream for my guy. Duration of treatment of 2 3 weeks (in osvremennoj to medicine, how much or as far as I know, treatment of a thrush at the competent approach borrows or occupies no more than weeks and manages smaller quantity or amount of tablets). In this connection I had questions to which in female consultation anybody cannot distinctly respond me:
1. Treatment of a thrush too long, and to mine is a lot of antibiotics (and the instruction to Nistatinum in general frightens: Are possible or probable: a nausea, a vomiting, a diarrhea; a dermal eruption, a fervescence, a cold fit; there is a risk of diffusion of refractory or resistant forms of mushrooms, and interaction of Nistatinum and Clotrimazolum reduces action each other). Whether Not so? If yes, prompt pozhajlusta other method of treatment for a thrush.
2. Whether it is possible and how to cure erosion and a bend of a uterus?
Thankful in advance!
1. Treatment of a thrush too long, and to mine is a lot of antibiotics (and the instruction to Nistatinum in general frightens: Are possible or probable: a nausea, a vomiting, a diarrhea; a dermal eruption, a fervescence, a cold fit; there is a risk of diffusion of refractory or resistant forms of mushrooms, and interaction of Nistatinum and Clotrimazolum reduces action each other). Whether Not so? If yes, prompt pozhajlusta other method of treatment for a thrush.
2. Whether it is possible and how to cure erosion and a bend of a uterus?
Thankful in advance!