Просмотр полной версии : Whether there is a threat to become pregnant 2 3 days prior to monthly? Treated a ureaplasmosis - at...

19.05.2004, 11:24
Whether there is a threat to become pregnant 2 3 days prior to monthly? Treated a ureaplasmosis - nyxes, tablets, etc. has cunningly put up to protssedur with Geponom, well I think, after monthly (they "were already knocked"), and here the husband "has become bored or has missed"...! Here now I think - a delay iz-for treatments or what? And if "that" that protssedury with Geponom are cancelled?

21.05.2004, 21:04
I have become pregnant 3 days prior to monthly, and at this time have measured basal temperature and saw the beginning of pregnancy under the schedule. I had a dysfunction of ovaries, I was going to it or her to treat, but it was not necessary any more... Make the test, and consult to the gynecologist, instead of on an Internet.