Просмотр полной версии : People! Kto-somebody knows on what duration of gestation should start to ripen...

20.05.2004, 00:31
People! Kto-somebody knows on what duration of gestation the placenta should start to ripen? At me term of 25 26 weeks and on US have put 1 degree of maturing of a placenta, it not early?

21.05.2004, 09:16
In physiological conditions the certain degree of a maturity of a placenta is inherent to each duration of gestation: 0 degree is characteristic for a duration of gestation till 30 weeks; I stepen-from 21 till 36 weeks; II stepen-from 33 till 38 weeks; III stepen-from 37 till 42 weeks. So your experiences are vain.