Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor. Help or assist me, please, I do not know, that to me to do or make. From...

19.05.2004, 14:18
Hello, the doctor. Help or assist me, please, I do not know, that to me to do or make. From pavor even began to sleep badly. In the future very much I want the child. But I periodically have cysts that on one, on other ovary. There are days when they are not present absolutely. 2 years ago laid in hospital. Have told or said with pregnancy there will be problems. But about sterility or barrenness spoke nothing. posovetyvali to take basal temperature. But she at me never for 2, 5 years did not rise above 36.9. From first day falls with 36.9 up to 36.3 to the middle of a cycle (he at me was before 30 days last 3 months of 36 days), then rises up to 36.8, then falls and to monthly again rises up to 36.8 36.9. Help or assist, I do not know what to do or make, whether speaks it about sterility or barrenness. In the future very much I wish to have children. To me of 25 years. Doctors do not speak anything certain. Speak it is necessary to have a drink hormones. Whether but I do not know it is necessary to drink them... And what. I beg help or assist. Sterility or barrenness for me the most terrible diagnosis! Case history only has got or started 36170

Soboleva L.I.
21.05.2004, 06:02
Hello, Yana! Parameters of your temperature can testify to absence of an ovulation. And that not the fact - are ovulatory cycles and at such temperature. Measurement BT is not too informative method. It is much better to spend UZI-the control over a cycle. But even if the ovulation is absent is not a verdict. There are methods of treatment of similar disturbances, including hormonal. What - are necessary for solving in each concrete case. Address to ginekologu-to the endocrinologist or the expert on sterility or barrenness and through any time interval you will have high chances to conceive the child.