Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor! At me polycystic change of ovaries. Monthly with with...

19.05.2004, 15:24
Hello the doctor!
At me polycystic change of ovaries. Monthly from the very beginning pr to term do not come. There were delays till 10 months. Till March of this year accepted Regividon. During reception monthly to the day. After the termination or ending of reception monthly became every month, but with a delay of 10 15 days. The last have begun 30.07 with a delay of 20 days. Can, iz-for acclimatization, t. To. Holiday spent in the south. Today have again begun. Whether it is necessary to worry very much in this occasion?

Maljarskaja M.M.
21.05.2004, 04:21
Change of a climate very much influences function of ovaries. It is necessary to not worry, and to clear a situation. To pass or take place inspection, including gomronalnoe and to establish or install the exact diagnosis, at a true syndrome of polycystic ovaries an irregularity of a menses - a "normal" attribute.