Просмотр полной версии : Hello! It is More than year there was a disturbance in a cycle back: up to monthly 3...

19.05.2004, 01:58
Hello! It is More than year there was a disturbance in a cycle back: up to monthly 3 4 days were allocation with a blood, then in couple of days began monthly and after 6 days monthly again 3 4 days proceeded allocation. The doctor has registered mikrozhenon and has told or said to drink a minimum 4 months. For this time monthly have come to norm or rate but as soon as I have stopped to drink tablets, disturbances and more each time before monthly have again gone or send again began to increase and hurt or be enlarged and hurt;increase and be ill;be enlarged a breast. To me have again registered mikrozhenon, but me frightens, that I should drink it or him years (the child to get or start yet I do not want, one already is). Whether will bring harm such long acceptance of tablets and if I shall want to stop them to drink, whether will provoke it new changes in an organism? Thankful in advance.

Soboleva L.I.
19.05.2004, 18:00
Hello! Be not afraid of hormonal contraceptives! This preparation not only will help or assist to adjust a cycle, but also will provide reliable contraception. Time in half a year it is necessary to address to the gynecologist for routine inspection. And then the preparation will not cause or call in you any negative changes.

20.05.2004, 14:27
Many thanks for the answer. And whether it is possible to start to drink tablets not from first day monthly, and from the third?

Soboleva L.I.
20.05.2004, 17:56
Yes, but not later than 5 go.