Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Pregnancy of 37 weeks, pojavidis white cottage cheese allocation....

19.05.2004, 20:50
Hello! Pregnancy of 37 weeks, pojavidis white cottage cheese allocation. What to do or make? Thanks.

20.05.2004, 15:37
To the gynecologist. Most likely a thrush. The gynecologist will appoint or nominate course of treatment, t. To. Before sorts or labors it is better to get rid of this piece. Independently mestno it is possible to spend daily podmyvanija (not syringings) a solution of broth Romashki/a soda solution, also well helps or assists the Bur with Glycerinum, reel up on a finger cotton, moisten in a storm or bur and accurately not deeply enter into a vagina and with circular movements grease its or his walls. Buru can be entered in a complex with a soda solution: were washed away by a solution and have processed a vagina brown. Success.