Просмотр полной версии : At the first sorts or labors the child was born, as the doctor, the face forward has explained to me. At...

18.05.2004, 01:03
At the first sorts or labors the child was born, as the doctor, the face forward has explained to me. Thus labors were fast (attempts have begun in 2.5 hours after the beginning of fights), fights were very strong, and at attempts suddenly sharply oslabli and to the doctor it was necessary "to squeeze out" the child. The placenta has left simultaneously with a birth of the child. Thanks God, all has managed. Now I should give birth or travail in second time and I am afraid, that it has not repeated. With what such facial presentation of the child is connected, whether it is necessary for me to warn the doctor and can be necessary to lay down in a maternity home in advance?

Pasenjuk A.M.
19.05.2004, 06:33
The facial presentation vsteraetsja is very rare, and it is complex or difficult to tell or say with what is connected, but objazatelnopostavlte the doctor in popularity about that. That was, make US and at suspicion on repetition facial prelezhanija solve the problem in favour of cesarean sections.