Просмотр полной версии : Tell or Say, please, that better: a cryolysis, cauterization by the laser or VA...

17.05.2004, 13:25
Tell or Say, please, that better: a cryolysis, cauterization by the laser or Vagotilum? The diagnosis - erosion shejki uteruses, the cytogram has shown absence of atypical cells. Whether probably to manage in general cauterizations and zazhivit erosion by means of oblepihovogo butters or oils and t. Item? Whether there Are after cauterization cicatrixes which can prevent at the subsequent sorts or labors?

Pasenjuk A.M.
18.05.2004, 23:07
Is better cauterization by the laser - after it or him there is no cicatrix. Treatment of erosion shejki uteruses oblepihovym butter or oil is provotsirovanie body height of atypical cells. Changed it is woven podlezhit to excision.