Просмотр полной версии : At me year is not present monthly. To me of 26 years, all has begun 5 years ago when I sharply...

18.05.2004, 01:49
At me year is not present monthly. To me of 26 years, all has begun 5 years ago when I have sharply grown thin for 8 kg. I weigh 46 at body height 162. Whether it can be caused or called nedostatoch by weight, earlier I was surveyed also doctors spoke that patoalogii is not present, a saw different tablets including and contraceptive, the cycle was restored and then vanished again. Here now again to doctors to go it is necessary but bojazno. Whether prompt there can be it a sign of disease and whether the cycle itself can will be restored? Or it is necessary to be treated all the same?

Soboleva L.I.
18.05.2004, 10:02
Dear Maria! Most likely it is connected with sharp weight reduction. A problem that transformation of man's sexual hormones in female is carried out in a fatty tissue. In my opinion independent normalization of a menstrual cycle is improbable, therefore it will be better to address to ginekologu-to the endocrinologist.