Просмотр полной версии : Hello, prompt please. To me 22 years. Accepted 2 years Tri-reg...

Elena L.
16.05.2004, 12:47
Hello, prompt please. To me 22 years. Accepted 2 years Tri-regol, tablets to me absolutely send or have approached;have suited. After the termination or discontinuance of reception the cycle was restored, but became not regular. Last was in the middle of February, then should one menses. Handed over the analysis on garmony, has shown the high maintenance or contents of Prolactinum (881. At norm or rate 400), did or made jaderno-a magnetic resonance of a brain on suspicion on prolaktinomu a pituitary body, but it has appeared it's OK. What is such why so the cycle and such high maintenance or contents of Prolactinum has got off. Spasobo.

Kamenetskij B.A.
18.05.2004, 03:48
Elena! The problem serious and to solve it or her in absentia it is not meaningful. Only internal consultation at ginekologa-the endocrinologist.