Просмотр полной версии : It again I the doctor! After three attempts of an insemination I had syndrome gsja...

15.05.2004, 15:53
It again I the doctor! After three attempts of an insemination I had syndrome gsja, to me have appointed or nominated a contraceptive about 2 days of a cycle and US in 21 day (upon termination of tablets). On US of a cyst have resolved also the doctor wished to start to EKO, has appointed or nominated about 23 days (this cycle) lupron to 11 days. I to tell the truth psychologically was not ready and have told or said that we shall leave next month. For 24 day at me the menses has begun. As tak-if I would make lupron at me would not begin menstr.? And whether the decision of the long report with insufficient endometriem is connected? Thanks the doctor!

Kamenetskij B.A.
17.05.2004, 23:17
The beginning of a menses is not connected with introduction luprona.