Просмотр полной версии : Tell or Say, please, if parents of my wife close relatives (dvojurodn...

15.05.2004, 13:18
Tell or Say, please, if parents of my wife close relatives (cousin), whether this fact can to affect or influence our future children. At the younger brother of my wife small body height and shoulders are tightened back. The wife speaks, that the brother have dropped in a maternity home, and he longly could not come to the senses (to what I wish to believe). Even if it not so if it has occured or happened as a result of marriage or spoilage of close relatives, it is how much great probability of that, as at us (at our children) such children can be born. Whether there are methods and treatment of such illnesses or diseases at mother?

17.05.2004, 05:36
At your wife a little bit above, than at other people, probability of the "latent" hereditary pathology. Without its or her detailed research and your family tree, something is complex or difficult to tell or say certain. But, in general, if also you, and your wife are healthy, the risk is insignificant. Pass or take place inspection in genetic consultation.