Просмотр полной версии : To me 25, three years I accept Eglonylum (Sulpiridum) as an antidepressant. poboch...

16.05.2004, 06:59
To me 25, three years I accept Eglonylum (Sulpiridum) as an antidepressant. A by-effect - raised or increased Prolactinum that has led to disappearance or eradication monthly (ovulation). Now I wish to have the child, I reduce a dose of Eglonylum to result or bring Prolactinum in norm or rate, but it is not assured that it or this enough that to hormones to come to norm or rate. Advise please how it is possible to stimulate regenerative process. Yes, still, on naznatseniju the doctor I accept ejdzhestin (aygestin) he norethindrone for stimulation of monthly times in two months, whether it or this is assured enough for normal functioning female organs (local American doctors do not trouble themselves with the big responsibility for health of the patient). I shall be very grateful for the help. Thanks. Tatyana. nushata@earthlink. net

Kamenetskij B.A.
16.05.2004, 15:43
Tatyana! Most likely it will be necessary for you to cancel / or to replace Sulpiridum with other preparation and to be engaged in stimulation of an ovulation, it is possible or probable with perdvaritelnoj hormonal correction. Unfortunately in absentia to make any concrete purposes or appointments it is impossible.