Просмотр полной версии : Bacteriemic or Bacterial vaginoz Already more half a year under analyses this diagnosis. The doctor with...

12.05.2004, 15:19
Bacteriemic or Bacterial vaginoz
Already more half a year under analyses this diagnosis. The doctor advises Betadin I it or him already three courses 7* 2 has passed or has taken place. Effect - "0." (in ours "Kukuevo" and she is considered the best gynecologist) the Exacerbation - after monthly in the form of a unpleasant smell and strange color vydeleny.
The doctor explains it depression of immunity and stress and while I shall not exclude these factors, nothing will help or assist me. Really there are no more effective agents against it or this, as a whole, informidable, but terribly unpleasant disease?
Thanks for answers.

Malanova T.B.
15.05.2004, 10:06
Preparations of type of Trichopolum are necessarily necessary. If them to not apply, the bacterial vaginosis cannot be cured.