Просмотр полной версии : Hello. I have started to accept Trikvilar and me, alongside with actually kont...

12.05.2004, 23:18
Hello. I have started to accept Trikvilar and me, alongside with actually contraceptive effect, the opportunity by means of OK interests to remove offensive or approach monthly. After skolki courses (packings) probably to start to drink a following pack not doing or making a break? e. I suspect, what if at once after the first drunk packing to begin the second to pass or miss a menses - an organism still will not have time to adapt - when, after skolki cycles it is possible to make it?. If I know, what in takoj-that the period to me is absolutely necessary to delay offensive or approach monthly - for how much cycles it is necessary to start "to prepare"?:)

Soboleva L.I.
15.05.2004, 04:23
Hello! As you prinimaetet a three-phase preparation to spend a delay of a menses it is possible only by means of tablets of last, third phase. To shift a menses it is possible from second month of reception of a preparation. "To prepare" beforehand unessentially. That month when the delay is necessary, simply accept a preparation more longly.