Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! Help or assist advice or council. At me the first 15 days of a cycle keeps but...

Anna To.
14.05.2004, 14:42
The dear doctor! Help or assist advice or council. At me the first 15 days of a cycle the normal temperature and the general or common state of health rather satisfactory keeps. But after an ovulation, that is in second half of cycle the temperature 37, 3 37, 5 and so it is a lot of years stably keeps. Thus puffiness of all body, nervous istoshchyonnost and the general or common delicacy is observed. How you consider or count at me in second half of cycle inflammatory diseases or temperature become aggravated is caused by hormonal processes? How to find out the reasons? Than to facilitate a status?
I shall add, that to me of 26 years. I thank you for advice or council.

Irtuganov N.S.
14.05.2004, 20:19
Dear Anna! I Doubt in "hormonal" or "vospalitenom" a parentage of your complaints. I would recommend prokonsulitrovattsja with the neurologist specializing in the field of a syndrome of a premenstrual strain.