Просмотр полной версии : Hello! In my mum (her 43 years) it is found out planocellular differentsir...

09.05.2004, 14:40
Hello! The planocellular differentiated cancer is found out in my mum (her 43 years) shejki uteruses. Have told or said it is necessary to do or make urgently operation. Before to her did or made cleaning (there was a stood pregnancy of 6 7 weeks). At it or her very much a greater or big myoma. Tell or say, what forecasts at such disease? How to learn or find out at what stage of development this disease? Whether probably full treatment? Whether we have addressed in the Oncologic dispensary 1 on Baumanskoj-enough there qualified experts or we should address in other clinic? pozhalujsto, advise! Very much I experience for mum

12.05.2004, 01:45
Address to doctor Rabaevu in konfu the oncologist.

14.05.2004, 19:38
Write in more detail about your problem to this address. We shall try to help or assist.