Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the dear doctor. I now on 30 week of pregnancy. Recently...

The anonym
12.05.2004, 21:47
Hello, the dear doctor. I now on 30 week of pregnancy. Recently in the analysis to urine there were rods and coccuses in plentiful quantity or amount. The doctor from ZHK at once has appointed or nominated furagin on 2 3 r in day to 7 days. Under own initiative has handed over bakposev urine and tam-E. coli 10 in 7, sensitive to Cefalexinum and sumamedu. Advise, please, than to be treated better on we wash term. Probably, soon I should treat a ureaplasma antibiotics of type vilprofena and Rovamycinum. Whether can kill these antibiotics an intestinal rod?

Pasenjuk A.M.
14.05.2004, 09:36
I would recommend will stop on sumamede or Rovamycinum - they can kill an intestinal rod.