Просмотр полной версии : Means, no trouble what PATENTEKS the OVAL follows is not present? But to action...

12.05.2004, 08:58
Means, no trouble what PATENTEKS the OVAL follows is not present? But whether he operates or works in this case, how protection??? Also what to do or make? In fact so should not be, on idea, yes? Or let to itself flows....?

Soboleva L.I.
13.05.2004, 00:14
No trouble is not present. Besides you are assured, what is it a preparation, instead of a semen? Basically can replace spermitsid. Probably, any other is pleasant to you more.

13.05.2004, 05:14
Yes, I am assured, what is it not a semen! Because the sexual certificate or act was not... But now also I do not know, whether I can use Patenteks the Oval before the certificate or act.... kak-that not so was pleasant... That so till the morning will follow....

Soboleva L.I.
14.05.2004, 01:52
Try or Taste other spermitsid.