Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! I work as the programmer on state enterprise, on norms or rates...

13.05.2004, 03:13
Hello, the doctor! I work as the programmer on state enterprise, on norms or rates SANPIN from 1996. Since time of an establishment of pregnancy me should discharge of job on a computer vsvjazi with ostensibly irradiation and probability of congenital defects at the child. Pregnancy of 12 weeks, I would like to continue to work, whether there are at you any references in this occasion and can be eat already new documents? What will you advise?

Pasenjuk A.M.
13.05.2004, 08:14
In RGMU job on this subject has been executed and is proved, that the computer does not influence in any way a fetus, but the hypodynamia and fatigue of eyes is possible or probable. Therefore it is necessary to work in a regimen of 45 minutes of job and 15 mines of rest outside of a computer.