Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! In female consultation to me have appointed or nominated the analysis on interf...

13.05.2004, 02:08
Hello, the doctor! In female consultation to me have appointed or nominated the analysis on interferonovyj the status and sensitivity to antiviral preparations. The doctor it has made after I have asked advice or council in occasion of often arising herpes on labiums. At me also 2 times deleted condylomas in a vagina. The analysis expensive, therefore there were doubts. What for it or him appoint or nominate and whether it is necessary to do or make it or him in my case?
In advance thanks for the answer.

Soboleva L.I.
13.05.2004, 08:00
Hello, Ekaterina! Herpes on labiums and condylomas testify to depression immunineta. That you have received the qualified treatment, instead of any the doctor has appointed or nominated to you this analysis. It will be possible to learn or find out what preparation to you is better failure will approach or suit and in what part of immunity.