Просмотр полной версии : Whether it is possible during monthly to be protected at the sexual certificate or act??? Whether it is possible...

11.05.2004, 07:49
Whether it is possible during monthly to be protected at the sexual certificate or act??? Whether it is possible from it or this zaberemenit?

11.05.2004, 21:00
To be protected it is necessary a condom during monthly, t. To. During monthly the uterus is cleared also your partner can podchepit any infection. Still heard that do not recommend to be engaged in sex during monthly as in a uterus passage opens and something there can be brought down, it something can prirosti to not to that a place and there will be complications. If to not be protected during the sexual certificate or act, it is possible easily zaberemenit.

12.05.2004, 23:44
> Still heard that do not recommend to be engaged in sex during monthly as in a uterus passage opens and something there can be brought down, it something can prirosti to not to that a place and there will be complications.>
Nonsense, it is possible and it is necessary to be engaged:), potomu-it is what is it healthy, sensations become aggravated also to us at this time to be engaged is given by the nature:), all rest bosh:)!

> If to not be protected during the sexual certificate or act, it is possible easily zaberemenit.>

No, not everyone can zaberemenit, I too heard, that at this time the probability zaberemenit is very small, t. To. The ootid still or even has not ripened!