Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the dear Doctor! Help or assist, prompt, advise as dokto...

11.05.2004, 06:52
Hello, the dear Doctor! Help or assist, prompt, advise as the doctor, as the woman.
What to do or make, I have absolutely despaired. Term of 11 12 weeks. Desired pregnancy. But it is so much doubts, in the first a flu on 2 3 week term,
Then from the extremity or end of February krovjannye allocation, the saw djufaston laid on conservation of 3 weeks, did or made vitamin E, Dicynonum, etc. I Drink maternu. Result zero. Now krovjannye allocation also it is not simply smeared, and plentifully go, and sometimes happens so time and it is instant krasno-a scarlet blood and much, already I proceed, despite of a lining. Last two times so was on the last Friday and on Monday. Now it is less, but all the same it is a lot of, more dark color, I change a lining 3 times a day. State of health awful. The temperature less than 37.3 does not happen. Often kolebletsja pressure. The sleepiness, weariness, can and should be. But these or it of allocation. Moreover besides, it was found out TSMV 0, 549 and VPG 1, 626 in a blood. Bridles shows amotio or detachment of 6 mm, development normal, all voobshchem in norm or rate. But I am afraid. I am afraid, that there can be bad consequences on more greater or big terms, labors in 7 months or that is even worse as that it will be reflected in the child. Basically you young (me 23, to him 28), speak one, all in peredi. It is necessary to strengthen an organism, will receive medical treatment and...
The first pregnancy, wait all normal can will speak others. And any more I do not know as to do or make. Thanks big in advance.

Pasenjuk A.M.
12.05.2004, 20:28
Uchityvvaja analyses, a placental detachment and a rule, that on early term " if is longly bad and threat of an abortion further too it will be bad " is not stoped, would recommend to interrupt pregnancy iz-for high risk of developmental anomalies of a fetus. To spend leenie, then to become pregnant. But finally destiny beermennosti to solve to you.