Просмотр полной версии : Dear Tatyana Borisovna, since November, 2003 me began to disturb tvoro...

10.05.2004, 08:23
Dear Tatyana Borisovna, since November, 2003 me began to disturb tvorozhnistye allocation from a vagina. First they did not deliver any inconveniences to me - there was an itch, a unpleasant smell. Have made a smear. The doctor has told or said, that that's all right, only the big maintenance or contents of yeast. Has appointed or nominated Terzhinan 3. The itch has passed or has taken place, but allocation have remained. Since then allocation and have not stopped. The itch appears about time in 3 months. It tried to be treated Terzhinanom, Pimafutsinom, Betadinom. All is useless. It tried to be syringed by a solution of soda (as allocation acidic), has helped or assisted. But as soon as has ceased - allocation have appeared again. Some times did or made a smear. The doctor speaks, that that's all right (only it is a lot of yeast) and that all this is connected with dropping immunity. Help or assist, please! Advise, that to me to do or make! Very much for you I hope!!! In advance thanks for consultation!!
P. S. I accept Logest 2 years.

Malanova T.B.
12.05.2004, 07:46
At you badly treated candidiasis. On background OK he it will be constant. The scheme or plan of treatment at you should be intensive.