Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At me to you such question: with what can be connected krovjanist...

11.05.2004, 09:33
Hello! At me to you such question: with what can be connected krovjanistye allocation [as at the beginning monthly] though monthly should be not earlier, than in 2 weeks. No pains are present, but today in the morning and were small allocation in the evening. The partner constant, we are protected by a method of the interrupted certificate or act [but not always]. The only thing that is present are an irregular menses, as a rule in 30 35 days, and has now passed or has now taken place only 19. Tell or say to me, please, about the possible or probable reasons and that it is possible to undertake as I now am in business trip and to visit or attend the gynecologist the nearest week it is not given possible or probable. P. S. It can be pregnancy?

Malanova T.B.
12.05.2004, 01:32
When priedite from business trip then descend or go to the gynecologist on survey and on US.