Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, hello. Respond, please, to my question. If I have begun pr...

10.05.2004, 03:27
The doctor, hello. Respond, please, to my question. If I have started to accept "ZHanin" (has accepted only 7 tablets), whether I can stop now reception of this preparation and what consequences can be?. And more to me it is very important, when the normal cycle as it was usually protected only in "dangerous" days will be restored.

Soboleva L.I.
11.05.2004, 15:32
Dear Lera! To stop reception of oral contraceptives in the middle of a cycle it is impossible, it can break or disturb your natural menstrual cycle. Drink up packing up to the extremity or end if speech does not go about dangerous situations (the thrombophlebitis and so forth).
Your natural cycle can be restored at once, is possible or probable - in some months. I would not recommend to hope for "natural" contraception the nearest 3 months.