Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon the doctor! Here already 3 cycle I try to become pregnant. I calculate day ovul...

10.05.2004, 06:09
Good afternoon the doctor! Here already 3 cycle I try to become pregnant. I calculate day of an ovulation on basal temperature. A cycle 24 days. In 1 phase the temperature keeps 36, 7 36, 9. Rise of temperature at an ovulation occurs or happens slowly, gradually 4 days, since 14 15 days of a cycle and reaches or achieves 37, 2 37, 3. Such temperature keeps in the second phase which lasts 8 9 days. In the first phase I accept Acidum folicum, and in the second vitamin E. The hormonal balance can be broken or disturbed at me? The doctor, tell or say, what is it can be, what to me to do or make to become pregnant? Thanks.

Malanova T.B.
11.05.2004, 14:42
To come on reception and to solve problems with the doctor internally.