Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Yesterday to me did or made US. A duration of gestation of 11 12 weeks, obnaru...

09.05.2004, 11:22
Hello! Yesterday to me did or made US. A duration of gestation of 11 12 weeks, have found out structural izmeneija a chorion due to fine ehonegativnyh includings or incorporations in a basal layer. About what speaks such diagnosis? Whether it threatens my future child. I very much experience, because at me already was two antenotalnye destructions of fetuses on term over 20 weeks. In advance thanks.

Kasabulatov N.S.
09.05.2004, 16:27
Elena, you need to hand over analyses on a virus infection (a blood on antibodies to viruses of genital herpes and cytomegaloviruses, and also a smear method PTSR from shejki poppies on the same viruses, and also on a chlamydia, mycoplasmas, ureaplasmas) and proiti corresponding or meeting treatment. Write more in detail about your previous beremennostjah to the address of nkas62@mail. ru. While your data threaten nothing.

Kasabulatov N.S.
11.05.2004, 08:49
Elena, you need to hand over analyses on a virus infection (a blood on antibodies to viruses of genital herpes and cytomegaloviruses, and also a smear method PTSR from shejki mA