Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor. At me such a question... 1.11.03 was the sexual certificate or act with...

08.05.2004, 19:41
Hello, the doctor. At me such a question...
1.11.03 was the sexual certificate or act with the torn condom. After that in the morning I have accepted a tablet postinor and through 12 chaso one more. And today at night (4.11.03) the same has repeated, and I have again accepted a tablet and in 12 hours too. I wished to ask, efficiency of elimination of pregnancy can increase, if I for 3 days have accepted 4 tablets? But the time interval between acceptance of the first tablet for the first time and the first tablet in second time was peer about 60 hours?

10.05.2004, 03:03
And more a small question. postinor after the certificate or act in a status of alcoholic intoxication operates or works tauzhe, as well as in a sober status? Or its or his efficiency decreases?

Soboleva L.I.
10.05.2004, 22:58
Hello! Efficiency of postcoital contraception will not increase, and here you can put or render the organism an irreparable harm. Be more cautious with postinorom, it is a dangerous preparation and its or his so frequent application it is inadmissible. At reception of greater or big doses of alcohol the effect of a preparation can decrease.