Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor. Prompt, please, what probability polozhitel...

10.05.2004, 00:02
Hello, the doctor. Prompt, please, what probability of a positive take of treatment of a myoma (the submucous site) danolom (analogue danazola), t. e. The doctor tries to stop monthly, in hope that body height of a myoma will stop. In connection with reception Danola body height of a myoma has really stopped also she even has gone on a loss (from 12 weeks up to 10). To me of 57 years, but by virtue of that the organism at me is strong and young, down to last time no attributes of a climacterium are present. Except for other intensive intellectual activity in aggregate with my temperament obviously do not allow an organism "to stop". I extremely would not like to lay down on operation on excision of a uterus as hardly I transfer or carry any kinds of a narcosis (vysokoallregichna) and, have how much understood, after operation it is not less problems - a hirsutism, solderings, inflammations and so forth the Doctor tries by means of Danola "to enter" me into a climacterium, but I feel what to hear began is worse, vision falls. I accept Danol more half a year. sninzila a dosage with 400 in day up to 200. What further? It is in advance grateful for the answer.

Malanova T.B.
10.05.2004, 15:44
1. In 57 years danolom a menses do not stop!!!
2. The myoma of such size practically conservatively is not treated. 3. You not javljaetest expressed allergikom as receive hormones and normally transfer or carry them. 4. In 57 years no hirsutism, inflammations, etc. after operation happens. 5 Samy the best variant for you konchervativnyj - mini-drank or saw, and operative - excision of a uterus.