Просмотр полной версии : Respond, please, on my 2 voprosa-1. Whether presence so nazyvae is...

10.05.2004, 03:53
Respond, please, on my 2 voprosa-1. Whether presence of a so-called egg white by an attribute of an ovulation (at me he appears usually 2 days prior to it or her) is, or he can arise independently (and in what cases). 2. If Progesteronum in 2 phase within the limits of norm or rate, whether necessarily speaks it about the occured or happened ovulation, or not? And if he on the bottom limit of norm or rate, whether there was she (ovulation)? All time I am confused in this question... Thanks for the answer, Natalia

Pasenjuk A.M.
10.05.2004, 11:06
1. This is usually an attribute of an ovulation.
2. Not always - there is a syndrome neovulirovavshego an ovary, the status at which is all attributes of an ovulation, but by virtue of unknown persons hitherto the reasons actually the ovulation does not occur or happen. The level of Progesteronum does not depend on presence of an ovulation - even at the come to pass ovulation there can be low Progesteronum.