Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon, at me the first day of last monthly was on January, 30th, then back...

07.05.2004, 18:17
Good afternoon, at me the first day of last monthly was on January, 30th, then a delay... On March, 22nd the doctor has put me term of 2 weeks. e. To me to consider or count not from monthly?

10.05.2004, 09:58
Probably, at your doctor, the "" system of calculation (can be, on conception though in your case even on conception of 2 weeks do not approach or suit). Usually gynecologists speak about "obstetric" term, t. e. From the first day of last monthly. And in general - to put 2 weeks only on the basis of survey (without US) it is impossible, more likely meditsinski it is not competent. Approximately till 6 7 weeks speak about " pregnancy of small terms ", and already later after weeks 7 8 speak concrete term. podozhite it is a little more and if you will strongly smonevatsja in the doctor - replace it or him or descend or go on US.