Просмотр полной версии : The doctor prompt! Has handed over the analysis of a blood on chlamydias and a mycoplasma (are negative...

09.05.2004, 04:52
The doctor prompt! Has handed over the analysis of a blood on chlamydias and a mycoplasma (negative), ureoplazma - slabopolozhitelno (a credit 1 : 20). What does it mean? The doctor speaks, that treated already ureoplazmu earlier, but similar treatment did not pass or take place, and analyses has handed over first time. Disturb small allocation, other infections are not found out. Whether treatment is necessary?

Pasenjuk A.M.
09.05.2004, 16:03
And from what pores do or make serologichesky the analysis on a ureaplasma???? I would recommend to make the quantitative analysis on ureaplazmozposle that to solve the problem on treatment (sm archive of the Infection)