Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! 1. To me have diagnosed: zhelezisto cystic gip...

09.05.2004, 00:50
Hello, the doctor!
1. To me have diagnosed: zhelezisto a cystic hyperplasia endometrija.
My doctor cannot appoint or nominate to me treatment. Prompt, please, what I need to pass or take place inspection and provisional treatment.
2. It is counter-indicative to me at such divgnoze neurologic treatment for an osteochondrosis (a physiotherapy, massage, reception of medicinal preparations)
3. As you concern to a homeopathy (treatment by preparations of firm Hell) for treatment of a hyperplasia.

Savchenko A.A.
09.05.2004, 14:06
If the diagnosis is put clinically, t. e. At US inspection - a hysteroscopy is necessary, a currettage of a cavity of the uterus and histological research. If it already behind, one of variants of treatment - hormonal therapy. Fiziolechenie it is not counter-indicative to a fur-tree oncologic disease is excluded. To homeopathic agents I concern skeptically.