Просмотр полной версии : Whether it is possible to do or make operations under the general or common narcosis during a menses (3 4 day...

08.05.2004, 00:48
Whether it is possible to do or make operations under the general or common narcosis during a menses (3 4 day)?
I planned operation very longly, and suddenly - - a delay!! What to do or make??

Soboleva L.I.
09.05.2004, 05:25
Hello, JUlja! I think. That there is a sense to discuss it with the doctor who you will operate. The matter is that during a menses coagulating ability of a blood decreases. For some operations it will be contraindication, in some cases the doctor will simply appoint or nominate to you Ascorutinum, Vicasolum (or other preparations for influence to coagulating system of a blood).