Просмотр полной версии : Uv. Julia! I use half a year Mersilon which to me has been written out the gynecologist...

07.05.2004, 07:30
Uv. Julia!
I use half a year Mersilon which to me has been written out by the gynecologist on internal reception. But owing to you and Nailju SHalmanovichu I have learned or have found out, that OK for me not so that are shown. The matter is that I 14 years ago have transferred or carried a lymphogranulomatosis. Now I should drink 6 tablet of the next packing, but now I very much am afraid of these preparations. Whether it is possible to stop to drink them from the date of? And what consequences. I shall be very grateful for the answer.

08.05.2004, 15:22
It is glad, that you refuse reception OK. To throw it is possible at any time, posledstvija-a bleeding of a various expression (during it or him poprinimajte preparations of a calcium, a yarrow, a neetle). What method have chosen for itself in the further?

09.05.2004, 02:02
FOR JULII. Julia, yet has not chosen anything - I am at a stage of search and studying. There can be you as the expert, will advise a suitable method.